Grades 7th – 10th spent three days in Charleston, SC , visiting and spending the night on the U.S.S. Yorktown and ferrying out to Ft. Sumter. What a great learning
We had a wonderful time in Charleston, SC staying on the U.S.S Yorktown and visiting Fort Sumter. If you are in Charleston, the Yorktown is worth a visit. Our students
Desmond T. Doss Christian Academy’s 7th – 10th graders spent 3 days and 2 nights on board the USS Yorktown. The students walked in the steps of our country’s heroes
Today at Fort Sumter the National Park Ranger ask us to help him take down the American Flag. This flag has only 33 stars. Fort Sumter just celebrated the 150th
The 7th and 8th graders wrapped up a great trip to Charleston, South Carolina with a visit aboard the USS Yorktown. The students were able to tour the Aircraft Carrier,
After storming Fort Sumter, the 7th & 8th grade Desmond T. Doss Christian Academy Patriots took control of a local beach. Patriots vs. the Waves … (to be continued)
On their annual 7th & 8th grade trip, this year’s class is visiting Charleston S.C. One of their first visits has taken them on a tour of the historic Fort