Outdoor Education


Learning in the Great Outdoors

Throughout the year, all of the students from Kindergarten through 12th grade participate in outdoor educational activities, where the students are involved in activities that vary from back-packing to visiting the Virginia Safari Park to going to local farms and more.

Each year, our 3rd to 8th grade classes are taken for a four-day trip to Camp Blue Ridge. This annual trip is the highlight of the school year for many of our students.

In addition, our 9th to 12th grade classes have a three-day outdoor education intensive, and also participate in community service and Christian service trips.

Outdoor Education at Camp Blue Ridge

Camp is a real blessing to our school for a number of reasons, but the biggest is because it is always a time for our students to grow spiritually, mentally and physically in God’s creation.

Over the years, it has been the most common conversation piece with alumni. Former students remember the Camp experience as something they will never forget. Many times we hear, “I wish I could go back to CBR with the school.”


Activities at Camp Blue Ridge

  • Worship sessions by the Camp Fire and Lake with guest speakers
  • Fishing
  • Canoeing
  • Hiking
  • Spy Rock
  • The “Priest”
  • Dissecting
  • Creative Writing
  • Creative Math
  • Fish Hatchery
  • DTD_OutdoorEducation3Midnight Hike
  • Capture-the-Flag
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Go-Carts
  • Softball
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Exploring the creek
  • Waterfalls
  • Crab-Tree-Falls


Upcoming Events

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